Wednesday, June 20, 2012

7: An Experiment Against Excess

Our culture is so selfish.  Im so selfish!  I believe God wants me to take a deep look into my life and see where Ive fallen idol to "things."  These things hold me prisoner in my own life.  These things take the place of areas of my heart that God should, wants, to be.

I've been challenged by a friend to read this book.  She honestly doesn't even know it.  I have read her blog as she has chronicled her journey through 7.  At first I read about her first month into the experiment and I thought "hmmm, looks interesting."  Then I would go back to stalk her blog a few weeks later and she would have written again about her journey.  About the third time I read about it I knew God was telling me something.  I haven't been able to get it off my mind.  Im choosing to interpret this as the Spirit saying "Go ahead.  Just do it!" 

"Do you feel trapped in the machine of excess?  Food. Clothing. Spending. Media. Possessions. Waste. Stress.  Jen and her family spent thirty days on each topic, boiling it down to the number seven.  Only eat seven foods, wear seven articles of clothing, and spend money in seven places.  Eliminate use of sever media types, give away seven things each day for one month, adopt seven green habits, and observe "seven sacred pauses." So, what's the payoff from living a deeply reduced life?  It's the discover of a greatly increased God--a call towards Christ-like simplicity and generosity that transcends a social experiment to become a radically better existence." {From the back of the book}
Im excited and a little scared.  This will take a lot of self control on my part...something that has never been one of my stronger qualities.  Ive asked some friends to join me.  We start in July.  Stay tuned.  Theres more to come.

"Even now," declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." Rend your heart and not your garments.  Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate"  Joel 2: 12-13

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


...not a word you hear very much.  Most may not know what it means.  Eucharisteo - to be grateful, feel thankful, give thanks.

I recently stumbled upon a book, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  It was a beautiful book.  The inside is even more beautiful than the outside.  Reading it has been slower than usual, but not because it isn't good.  It is one of the most thought provoking books I've ever read.  As I read, I find myself stopping and thinking on her words--God's words--through her.  I sometimes don't even come back to it for a few days.  I ponder it in my heart because God is moving, and changing, and re-forming me.  I want to give Him room.

She is an amazing writer and poet.  Her words are so beautifully formed together.  Its a beautiful read!

It seems our world is so bogged down with getting the newest, the greatest, the fastest everything.  How can we even come to be truly grateful for what we have if we are always seeking what is next.

Im thankful for my amazing husband, and my beautiful children, and the home we live in.  But, do I give thanks for the humbling job of being my husbands most important helper in life? {even when its hard}  Am I thankful that I was chosen to be a mama to my two little blessings?  {even when Im cleaning up a spilled bowl of milk from the cracks of the table for the third morning in a row}  Am I content with the home I live in?   {it does provide shelter from the rain, cool from the heat and warmth from the cold}  Do your toes hurt a little?  Mine did too when I thought about this.  

How could I not be content, thankful, even joyful for these things.  Im right where I am on purpose.  God didn't place me on this earth to stumble my way around figuring out exactly what it is that Im supposed to do with my life.  He has an amazing plan for me.  All I have to do is step back, allow Him in, and watch Him work.

Living in gratitude, giving thanks for everything is the way to go from living on empty to full life.  Could my living in constant thankfulness, for even the smallest of things in each moment, be the key to seeing and receiving the fullest salvation that God intended for me?!
"Every moment I live, I live bowed to something.  If I don't see God in the moments, Ill bow to something else." 
I pray that I always see God, His faithfulness, and His glory.  And remember the greatest gift ever given, of His son, for my sin.
 "All gratitude is ultimately gratitude for Christ, all remembering a remembrance of Him."
"I give thanks for the seemingly microscopic, I make a place for God to grow within me."
What do I need to rid myself of so the God has room to grow within me?  ...b/c I sure do feel full, busy, overwhelmed with keeping my head above water sometimes...or most of the time.
"Joy is the realest reality, the fullest life, and joy is always given, never grasped.  God gives gifts and I give thanks and I unwrap the gift given: joy.  Gratitude for the seemingly insignificant--a seed--this plants the giant miracle.  The miracle of eucharisteo, like the Last Supper, is in the eating of crumbs, the swallowing down one mouthful.  Do not distain the small.  The role of the life--even the hard--is made up of the minute parts, and if I miss the infinitestimals, I miss the whole.  Life-changing gratitude does not fasten to a life unless nailed through with one very specific nail at a time.  Little nails and a steady hammer can rebuild a life--eucharisteo precedes the miracle."
Ive lived all my life as a "Christian".  Or, have I been living like a Christian but not really living for Christ?  Am I living fully right where I am "as unto the Lord"?  I want to.  Im on the journey to that place.  Follow me.  Joy abounds!

And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Live Freely

"So eat your meals heartily, not worrying about what others say about you--you're eating to God's glory, after all, not to please them. As a matter of fact, do everything that way, heartily and freely to God's glory." - The Message

I love the way Paul encourages us to realize that we aren't living our lives to please others.  If our hearts are truly set in focus on Jesus we aren't worried about please anyone but God, and living every moment for His glory.  And, to live it freely, full of joy and in thanksgiving.  Is it possible that everything else starts falling into place when we are freed from the burden of worldly gratification?  Gratification by things.  Gratification of having the approval of everyone around you.  Gratification of working harder, being the better __________ (fill in the blank)...whatever it is that you work so hard to accomplish that really isn't doing anything but seemingly building you up, not building up the Holy Name of our Savior.

My mind is racing.  My heart is overflowing.  Im thirsty for more.  God is working in my Spirit.  Its a beautiful day.  Be thankful and give glory!

For His Glory

God is moving in my heart, in my soul. I'm experiencing a deep, longing desire for more of Him. God is speaking into my spirit a passion & purpose for my life...His perfect plan for my life. Im ready and willing but realize that even with good intentions I have filled my life with too many things...material possessions, busy schedules, bad habits, unhealthy boundaries in relationships, lack of self discipline (ouch!), and much more...that get in the way of allowing God to work through me for His glory.

He has placed on my heart the need for a soul cleansing, a detox. As I search, read and pray He is revealing to me the things that are muddy-ing my heart. Possibly even things that are flat out robbing me of my joy. How can I even begin to have room for God to be glorified if my heart is full of things that are not from Him, or of Him.

I want to do BIG things for Christ. I want to live my life intentionally so that I may never feel regret that I didn't allow room for God to work his plan for me.

My hope and prayer for my family is that our story will always bring glory to our Lord and Savior. For it to be a testimony to Gods love for His people. To bring people into a loving, and saving, relationship with Christ our Redeemer.

I'm listening more than ever for the voice of God to lead me where He wants me. Claiming His promises, I'm truly ready to surrender and let Him begin Our Story for His Glory!

{I} Pray that the Lord, {my} God, will tell {me} where we should go and what we should do." Jeremiah 42:3