Saturday, June 16, 2012

Live Freely

"So eat your meals heartily, not worrying about what others say about you--you're eating to God's glory, after all, not to please them. As a matter of fact, do everything that way, heartily and freely to God's glory." - The Message

I love the way Paul encourages us to realize that we aren't living our lives to please others.  If our hearts are truly set in focus on Jesus we aren't worried about please anyone but God, and living every moment for His glory.  And, to live it freely, full of joy and in thanksgiving.  Is it possible that everything else starts falling into place when we are freed from the burden of worldly gratification?  Gratification by things.  Gratification of having the approval of everyone around you.  Gratification of working harder, being the better __________ (fill in the blank)...whatever it is that you work so hard to accomplish that really isn't doing anything but seemingly building you up, not building up the Holy Name of our Savior.

My mind is racing.  My heart is overflowing.  Im thirsty for more.  God is working in my Spirit.  Its a beautiful day.  Be thankful and give glory!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, God is moving in your heart! Thank you for "letting me in" to have a peek! You are more of an encouragement than you will ever know! I love you, Abbie Greer!
